Moon Men


Moon Men: Healing The Disconnection is an 8-week course designed for Black Queer men looking to build community through conversation, education, and fellowship.  As the moon rules over our emotions and intuition, we use this archetype to explore alternative ways of masculinity that support spiritual, mental, and emotional well being.

This call to action is in direct response to the rise in suicide amongst young black teens and men in the U.S due to mental health and loneliness. Statistically speaking, Black men live seven years less than men of other racial groups. They also have higher death rates than Black women for all leading causes of death. Black men have a higher incidence and a higher rate of death from oral cancer, and have a much higher risk of developing HIV/AIDS in their lifetime.

 —CROI Press Release: Lifetime HIV Risk. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In a time where queer black spaces continue to pass from sight, it is important to create sacred spaces that support and consider the representations of the black queer body. This cohort will explore the cultural and political expression of Blackness while offering communal solutions to mend the disconnection within the LGBTQIA+ community.

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This workshop invites ALL Male identifying individuals. 

Including Non gender conforming and Transmen. 

All males who Identify as Black/ African American including Afrolatino and Bi-racial Men.

This course will serve as a guide to building a culture that reflects the different but not unique paths endured by social stigmas and political hierarchies amongst  Black Men in America. Community has always been a powerful tool to manifest change and challenge the status quo. My mission encourages us to look inward towards our own stigmas, biases, beliefs, and agenda affirmed by Queer Communities in hopes to transform male intimacy and empowerment.  This hybrid experience provides an opportunity to connect, share, and learn from male influences and networks that identify with your vision for a healthier more fulfilling life. 

10/3 Mission Protocol and LAUNCH!  

10/10 Men and Self Care

10/17 Men and Love

10/24 Men and Sexuality

10/31 Men and Spirituality 

11/7 Men and Creativity 

11/14 Men and Emotion 

11/21 Men and Mental Health ( Co facilitated by Mental Health Professional )

11/28 Men and Community 

Classes will be every Tuesday from 7:00-9:00 pm via Zoom 

Pre-recorded videos will not be available to respect the confidentiality of each participant.